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Public Print and Protest in Defense of Black Lives

graphic by Joh

graphic by Josh MacPhee

Members of PS1 and the Iowa CIty Press Co-op are offering support for the local Black Lives Matter movement by repurposing yard signs and producing graphics for the movement. You can help us spread these visuals in ANY of the following simple ways:

  1. Donate an old/unused yard signs or clean cardboard to PS1 to be repurposed (i/e/ repainted w/ BLM graphics and sentiments)

  2. Drop off or donate cans of spray paint (used or old? great!).

  3. Pick up a repurposed sign for use to show support for BLM either on your lawn, in your window, or in the streets.

  4. Cut stencils. This video is a simple tutorial

  5. Help distribute graphics far and wide.

DROP-OFF and PICK UP is at PS1/ICPC, between 225 & 229 N Gilbert St in Iowa City.

Artists will be on hand daily from 4-6p collecting, repurposing, and distributing signs.
Fume-free on Fridays, Saturdays, and Mondays!
Days off: June 19-20

Our goal is to share our knowledge of stencils and art materials towards a mass blanketing of BLM graphics in Iowa City. We believe anything less than a loud, visible, ANTI-RACIST stance against the systemic threat of white supremacy can not be tolerated.